Cross-Border Data Forum Bannner
This post was originally published by the Centre for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL) as part of the series Perspectives on Privacy and Effective Data Use in the Global Digital Economy and Society, and is reprinted here with the permission of same. ​Along with other contributors to this symposium, I have devoted much of my professional life to privacy protection. Throughout my quarter-century in the privacy field, one recurring issue has been what sorts of institutions can serve privacy, while also meeting the [...]
What should be the boundaries of government-sponsored cybertheft and surveillance beyond national borders? To what extent do apps such as TikTok pose a national-security threat? Can the United States and European Union reach an agreement on transatlantic data flows that balances economic, privacy, and national-security concerns? These seemingly disconnected questions lurked in the background of the recent inaugural meeting of the EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council. They all point to the difficulty of defining the proper scope of state power to access [...]
Update: On November 17, 2021, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted the Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention. The Protocol is expected to be open to parties of the Convention for signature in May 2022.[59] ***** This November, the Council of Europe (CoE) hopes to finalize the adoption of the Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention, in time for the 20th anniversary of the opening for signatures of the Convention in Budapest, Hungary.[1] The Convention when [...]